Babies are very interesting to watch.  One of the greatest needs of babies is food which is the mother’s milk.  They naturally crave it.  The first taste of the milk gives them the ability to differentiate from other milk. They constantly eat to make them grow and be healthy.  The more they eat the more they grow and stay healthy.  It also immunizes babies from illnesses and sicknesses.   Parents are excited as their new babies grow.  It is a great concern when a child stops eating.  That is a sign that the child is sick. 

This is equally true of us as children of God.  when we are born again, we become spiritual newborn babies and we are to crave the spiritual milk that will make us grow.  Unfortunately, when people are born again, there is no provision of food which results in stunted growth or no growth at all.   What can be done to curtail the spiritual starvation of spiritually born babies? 

The Bible gives the answer in I Peter 2: 1-3.

“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.”

To grow tall and healthy, get rid of germs which are malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander, and crave pure spiritual milk.  This spiritual milk, the Word of God, has the potency to eradicate sicknesses and develop your immunity.   The milk must be pure, unadulterated, not watered down or mixed with anything else.   God’s word which gives spiritual nourishment will cure you of these germs if you drink it consistently.    

The purpose of the milk is for us to grow until we reach full maturity in the full image of the LORD. The result of this healthy appetite for milk is wonderful.  We taste that the LORD is good.  The more we taste the goodness of God the more we want more.  The LORD feeds us, nourishes, and nurtures our souls, revealing to us His great promises.   We are able to withstand the wiles of the devil, being established and unmovable in the LORD. 

Are you healthy spiritually, then do not stop taking your milk?  Are you plagued with so many spiritual sicknesses that hinder your growth? God has given us the antidote to this dilemma. Drink your milk daily.  Both the spiritual babies and the mature Christians need milk for nourishment to grow to the full image of Christ.  Our Father wants to delight over us and say “wow, see how much you have grown not rejecting my food for you”   Drink your milk daily, please.   You can never outgrow your need for spiritual milk. 

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