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Attitude During The Coronavirus

Trouble comes in different forms and shapes.    However, this unprecedented situation of the pandemic of coronavirus disease could be overwhelming.  People are taking precautions.  A lot of people are staying at home to avoid contact with people.  There is also social distancing just to flatten the graph. I applaud the efforts of everyone. Despite all […]


“Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him.” (Good News Translation) Colossians 2:6The Christians in Colossae were staggering in their faith in Christ. False teaching infiltrated Colossian Church. People were told the importance of empty rituals, the philosophy of the Greeks, or the traditions of the Jews. Paul wrote to […]

How are you feeling after Christmas

What is it like after Christmas celebration?  Are you still excited or you are back on the daily grind called life as is?  Sometimes we experience this feeling of blasé post any celebration. It may be due to buyer’s remorse, a loved one, not present, or a failed attempt at the perfect holiday party. But […]

Why Merry Christmas

Why do I love Christmas? I love Christmas for so many reasons. Christmas is not just the time of exchanging gifts. Oh, dear reader, it is so much more. It is about knowing the truest gift that any man has ever received. The greatest gift to mankind. That gift is Jesus Christ.A lot of people […]

Rest of God

A lot of people spend thousands to go on vacation every year.  However, it has been discovered that when people go on vacation, often times they don’t actually rest.  Some carry their laptops, phones, and some even get in touch with their place of work so invariably they spend so much money to not rest.  […]


God does not condone abuse.  People frown at submission because the general belief is that submission is primitive and always results abusive.  Yet without submission, the whole world will be in chaos.  Submission is what helps us enjoy sports.  The players have to submit to the referee.  We submit to the rules of the land.  […]

The Same God

A lot of people wonder why God speaks to some people and not to them.  They even believe the LORD speak to only super privileged Christians. This is quite misleading because unconsciously they are living as second-class citizens in the Kingdom of God.  If this fact is justified, we are erroneously believing there is second-hand […]