ARE YOU DISCOURAGED By: Elizabeth Bankole Anyone can be discouraged. No one is immune to discouragement. Even the strong saints
ARE YOU DISCOURAGED By: Elizabeth Bankole Anyone can be discouraged. No one is immune to discouragement. Even the strong saints
Paul was on his way to Damascus to persecute those who believed in Christ. In Acts 9, verse 1, we
We often hear among Christians, “All things work together for good.” This phrase is quoted from a Bible verse. The
By Elizabeth Bankole We are created and recreated by the blood of the Lamb to praise the LORD. Sometimes we
GOD’S WRISTWATCH Time is crucial. We are all controlled by it. We have clocks everywhere: in the bedroom, in the
It’s a universal truth that every human being faces one trouble after another. No one isimmune to life’s problems and
We look forward to meeting you, digitally and in person! If you need prayer or assistance, please contact us!