By Elizabeth Bankole

We are created and recreated by the blood of the Lamb to praise the LORD. Sometimes we are happy, and sometimes we are unhappy. Yet, we are made to praise the LORD continually. Even in moments of unhappiness, the transformative power of gratitude can inspire us. The Bible says, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thes. 5:18 (NLT}. Is this possible? Can we be sincerely thankful for stressful and unpleasant situations? If the Bible is written for us, as Romans 15:4 states, “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” (NKJV).

The Bible is our guide, written to give us the wisdom to navigate this life with all its challenges. But we must read the Bible to get an understanding and live victoriously in this world. We expose ourselves to destructive fear when we neglect the Bible, God’s love letter. Fear leads to anger, and anger will lead to depression. Depression is one of the most common emotional ailments. Reading, meditating, and obeying God’s Word is the antidote for every emotional ailment. Meditate on the goodness of God. Our brains function better when we remember the goodness of God instead of our failures. The goodness of God we remember puts a smile on our faces and eradicates from our souls all the trauma, betrayal, abuse, and disappointments we have gone through in life.

Jesus forewarned us about the challenges, trials, and tribulations that the evil one will bring. Yet, He also comforted us, assuring us that we should take heart because He has already conquered the world (John 16:33). This means that even before we face the fiery furnace, the LORD is already there, waiting for us in the fire. Jesus is the present help in trouble, a comforting presence that assures us of our security.  

I cannot assure you that you will get to a point where everything will be rosy, and you will lack nothing. Both old and young, rich and poor, sick and healthy, male and female, have challenges. The only way to have joy during a storm is to plug ourselves into reading the Bible and meditating on the goodness of God. This will take your thoughts from the painful situations and give you hope that you will prevail. You will focus right by fixing your thoughts on the ability of God and take your thoughts away from your inability to help yourself. When you are afraid, lonely, abandoned, or depressed, take advantage of your antidepressant.

The LORD is waiting to hear your voice of praise as you meditate on the goodness of God.

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