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“Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him.” (Good News Translation) Colossians 2:6
The Christians in Colossae were staggering in their faith in Christ. False teaching infiltrated Colossian Church. People were told the importance of empty rituals, the philosophy of the Greeks, or the traditions of the Jews. Paul wrote to these Christians in Colossae to refute all the wrong beliefs in a positive way. Also, today there are so many teachings that make believers derail from the truth. This is the truth: as Christians, we have everything we need in Christ.

You receive Jesus through faith, continue in faith. “Without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 There are different types of faith: head knowledge, sensual faith, and Revelational faith. Revelational faith is the faith that is anchored on the word of God that nothing can uproot. We get revelational faith only through the Word of God.

Continue in your faith in the Word of God that brought you to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. You did not do any rituals to be accepted by Jesus, you put your faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and you were saved. Continue to live your life that way. The day you receive Jesus into your life it is because you believe your sins have been forgiven, why are you doubting again that there are some sins that are not forgiven. You also believe you are reconciled to God because of your faith in Christ. Why do you now think you have to do some rituals because of generational curses, ancestral curses to be fully accepted by Christ? Does that mean Christ’s resurrection does not guarantee your new life? Is 2 Corinthians 5:17 not true? It says, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” This is a fact not a feeling!

The LORD Jesus gave us victory over powers and principalities. “He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross” – Colossians 2: 14. The penalty of sin died with Christ on the Cross. When Jesus pronounced on the Cross, “it is finished”, it means paid in full. Jesus is the final and ultimate sacrifice for sin.

Since you did not receive Jesus through feelings, but rather you put your faith in the facts of the Word of God, continue in faith. Do not allow feelings to talk you out of the facts of what the LORD had given you. Reject all the false teachings and accept the facts. You receive Christ through faith, continue to follow Him through faith. In Christ, we have everything we need for salvation and for living the victorious Christian life.

The effect of continuing in faith in Christ Jesus will be discussed in my next blog.

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