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The importance of eating healthy cannot be overemphasized.    Daily, more and more people are hopping on the “health is wealth” wagon. They’re eating green not just what is seen, constantly taking care of their bodies.

Jesus talked about a particular food that must be part of our spiritual diet if we will remain healthy spiritually.  The Psalmist gave a glimpse of this food in Psalm 40: 8, “I desire to do your will.”  The desire to do the will of God is our food and Jesus made this clear to us during His earthly ministry.  Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.” John 4:34. This is the very pivot, our Christian lives must be rotating on.  We are to submit our will to the will of God.  The will of God is what is healthy for our soul; stubbornly holding to our will is like junk food that brings emotional problems to the soul.

So many Christians believe that going to Church, bible study, conferences, preaching, and so many other activities are their spiritual food.  Yes, these are good. However, they are not enough.  These are there to push us towards the main goal: doing the will of the Father. 

Just as in the physical, you choose healthy food over junk food also choose the will of God over your will.  Romans 15:3, “For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.”   Christ did not live to please Himself.  He came to teach us to submit to the will of the Father so as to stay healthy spiritually. We do the will of God when we submit our will to Him.  Our desire to please Him is the healthy food for the soul.

In conclusion, involving in activities in the Church does not necessarily make us healthy but enjoying doing the will of God does.

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