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Trouble comes in different forms and shapes.    However, this unprecedented situation of the pandemic of coronavirus disease could be overwhelming.  People are taking precautions.  A lot of people are staying at home to avoid contact with people.  There is also social distancing just to flatten the graph. I applaud the efforts of everyone.

Despite all these, a lot of people are afraid.  The television, radio, and social media are discussing nothing other than the coronavirus.  We don’t need to be afraid.  The Bible says,

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the …” Psalm 46: 1-4

We have the assurance from the Word of God that however devastating the situation of this pandemic may be, there is a river that brings the peace of God. This river brings stability to the soul and so we are not moved. The antidote to all these threats and fear is to allow the river of God to flow peace into our souls.    

We will not be moved because the Lord of lords is right inside of us.  With the fear all over the world, we will spread the fragrance of God’s assurance and peace to everyone we come in contact with. V. 5.  We will achieve this, because the LORD of hosts is with us.  V. 7.

The frenzy will be quickly dealt with if we can be still and receive the revelational knowledge that God is with us.  God wants us to be still to see clearly during this global chaos.  For any problem in life there is a solution.  Let us all be still and God will again speak to our spirits.  PRAISE THE LORD! 

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