logo - Welcome to Sarahfolks - Women need as much theology as men. Women need theology, and we learn that in Sarahfolks


welcome to
sarahfolks international !

Holy Bible - empowering women

Women are very unique in every sense of it.  Unfortunately, we are not aware of this and so we let ourselves be ruled by what  people say.  We are continuously thinking we are not good enough.  My question to you is, who says? Who says you’re not good enough? The Bible says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works; which God hath before ordained that we should walk – Ephesians 2:10.

Whatever your “stage” in life: widowed, divorced single, separated, married, engaged, courting, somewhere in between; none of these should hinder you from being what God called you to be. Our station of life must not interfere with reaching our full potentials. 

It is the vision of the Sarahfolks, therefore, to provide a forum through which women of whatever background or status in life will begin to understand how valuable they are in the hands of God.  It is evident that we as women need to come together to empower each other so as to become all that God intends for us to be.  This empowerment is found in the Holy Scriptures, for which Sarahfolks provides a systematic study, among other activities. It is crucial that we know that to our God, women lives matter.

experience the presence of God


If you want to learn more about the Word of God, you’re in the right place.

Read more to learn how we you can know Him more and grow in your faith!


Ministry feels like Family when you Connect

A Ministry that Prays

We believe in Prayer. A real relationship with our Lord involves prayer, for our needs, the needs of others and it is our calling!
I Thessalonians 5:16-18

A Ministry that Serves

Serving God and Others is a very important part of our Ministry. Serving works out our faith and is evidence of what we believe.
2 Timothy 2:15

A Ministry that Loves

We believe that the greatest commandment is to Love One Another as Christ Loves Us! Come as you are and experience His Love!
John 13:34


We look forward to meeting you, digitally and in person! If you need prayer or assistance, please contact us!

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